
The structure of a Lore application


This file is connected to the lore-hook-reducers hook and overrides the default reducer behaviors.

You can learn more about the configuration options here.

Default Config

The default config is shown below.

 * Configuration file for reducers
 * This file is where you define overrides for the default reducer behaviors.

export default {

   * Specify dependencies between child reducers, which will determine the
   * order they are called in, as well as what data is passed in through the
   * third 'options' argument:
   * function someReducer(state, action, options) {
   *   // your reducer code...
   * }
   * The `options.nextState` property will contain the results of the child
   * reducers you have declared a dependency on.
   * The default dependency structure (based on the built-in blueprints) looks
   * like this:

  // dependencies: {
  //   modelName: {
  //     byId: [],
  //     byCid: [],
  //     find: ['byId', 'byCid']
  //   }
  // }

   * Change what gets returned from the Redux store.
   * This method is intended ONLY as a way to explore different solutions for addressing
   * immutability concerns that arise when components have a direct reference to
   * the data kept in the reducers.
   * The default behavior in Redux is to provide components with a reference to the
   * store state returned from the reducers. This poses a problem when a component
   * tries to change that data, because it will modify the state of the store through
   * that reference.
   * To address this issue, the top-level reducer will invoke this method right before
   * returning the next state, which gives you the ability to experiment with different
   * solutions for this problem.
   * The default behavior is to return a copy of the store state, which will prevent any
   * component from being able to modify the "truth" kept in the reducers.
   * Others solutions could be invoking `Object.freeze(nextState)` (which will throw an
   * error if a component tries to modify the store state) or converting the store state
   * to an Immutable object using `` from Immutable.js.

  // nextState: function(nextState) {
  //   return _.cloneDeep(nextState);
  // }
