
The build system for Lore

Production Build

This section describes the process of creating a development build of your project.

The Command

If you open up the package.json file you'll see a build:production script that looks like this:

"scripts": {
  "build:production": "npm run clean && webpack --env.webpack=production --env.lore=production -p",

This script is used when you want to create a production build of your project.

Creating the Build

Run this command to create a development build of your project:

npm run build:production

You should see output similar to this once it completes, which took 49 seconds for this example:

Build completed in 49.237s

Hash: e26aa54c61ee42b36fef
Version: webpack 2.4.1
Time: 49241ms
                                                        Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
                        bundle.vendor.760c1aca95f06ca49cc5.js     197 kB       1  [emitted]         vendor
  favicons-226798db74552f749c8ab26e8bfae037/favicon-16x16.png  644 bytes          [emitted]
favicons-226798db74552f749c8ab26e8bfae037/favicon-230x230.png      17 kB          [emitted]
  favicons-226798db74552f749c8ab26e8bfae037/favicon-96x96.png    5.87 kB          [emitted]
        favicons-226798db74552f749c8ab26e8bfae037/favicon.ico    33.3 kB          [emitted]
             favicons-226798db74552f749c8ab26e8bfae037/.cache  996 bytes          [emitted]
                                        favicon-manifest.json  877 bytes          [emitted]
                          bundle.main.11e83aeeb2a9a9714d66.js    1.41 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  main
  favicons-226798db74552f749c8ab26e8bfae037/favicon-32x32.png    1.58 kB          [emitted]
                         styles.main.11e83aeeb2a9a9714d66.css    1.15 kB       0  [emitted]         main
                      bundle.main.11e83aeeb2a9a9714d66.js.map    12.4 MB       0  [emitted]         main
                     styles.main.11e83aeeb2a9a9714d66.css.map  113 bytes       0  [emitted]         main
                    bundle.vendor.760c1aca95f06ca49cc5.js.map     2.1 MB       1  [emitted]         vendor
                                          asset-manifest.json  472 bytes          [emitted]
                                    assets/images/favicon.png     266 kB          [emitted]  [big]
                                       assets/images/logo.png    27.7 kB          [emitted]
                                                   index.html    5.27 kB          [emitted]

What does it do?

Running this command will compile your project and place all the assets in a new folder named /dist at the root of your project.

This process will do everything the development build does, but will also:

  • Minify and uglify all assets, to reduce their file sizes.

The minification and ugliciation process can take a significant amount of time to complete depending on the size of your project, which is why the development build exists. But otherwise the process and generated files are identical.